Unconnected company: Alphaglen Limited

In order to avoid confusion, we mention the fact that there is another company with a similar name.

There exists a company named Alphaglen Limited which was incorporated in 1996. This company is totally unconnected with Alphaglen Laboratories Limited (incorporated in 1993).

In 1993, our company, English company number 2844339 Alphaglen Laboratories Limited, was incorporated under the name Alphaglen Limited. The name was changed to Alphaglen Laboratories Limited in late 1994 to indicate the nature of our business. Subsequently, in 1996, an unconnected company number 3224349 was incorporated with the name Alphaglen Limited - our old name.

We know very little about the newer, other Alphaglen Limited. It appears to be a small management consultancy.

We are scientists and manufacturers.

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Last update 26th May 2000